Penile cancer incidence varies greatly across the globe, which is, however, a sign that it is preventable on many occasions.

The best way to lower the risk of developing penile cancer is to avoid all known risk factors, where applicable.

Here are some basic prevention guidelines:

  • Good personal hygiene: this is probably the most significant factor in the prevention of penile cancer
  • Circumcision to treat phimosis: phimosis is a risk factor of developing penile cancer, because it compromises proper cleaning below the foreskin
  • Avoidance of getting HPV: the major risk factors for an HPV infection are being uncircumcised and an increased number of sexual partners
  • Vaccination against HPV: it can offer protection from certain HPV types. Vaccination should be made during childhood, prior to sexual activity onset
  • Smoking cessation: smoking is a risk factor for developing penile cancer, and consequently cessation reduces the likelihood of cancer